Heavitree Fore Street Junction with North Street and Church Street

🚦Add a traffic signal to Heavitree's Ship and Pelican crossing
I call upon Devon County Council, as a matter of urgency to fix the dangerous crossing at Fore Street Heavitree, by putting a traffic light on the crossing itself to warn drivers exiting the box that pedestrians have priority, preventing accidents and near-misses.
🚦Ease congestion at North Street Heavitree
I call upon Devon County Council to ease congestion by providing a green left filter traffic light from Fore St eastbound into North St, and simultaneously a green right filter from North St to Fore St westbound during the green pedestrian crossing phase at the nearby Ship and Pelican crossing. This would protect pedestrians on the crossing, aid traffic flow, and ease congestion.
🚸Extend the traffic box at the North Street crossing
I call upon Devon County Council to extend the box junction grid as far as the eastbound Fore Street traffic light, and as far as the southbound North Street traffic light. This would avoid vehicles entering the junction eastbound and conflicting with pedestrians during the green crossing phase at the Ship and Pelican crossing.
Please post your pictures of the junction to help evidence the need for improvements
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Dangerous Heavitree Fore St crossing
Dangerous Heavitree Fore St crossing
Aid traffic flows with filter traffic lights
Aid traffic flows with filter traffic lights
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