What makes St Sidwells Point such an asset We thought long and hard on all of the options to replace the provision of…
Exeter Leisure – A fresh start to the new service 05 Apr 2021 At a time where the leisure market is in turmoil and facing unprecedented challenges, this…
Labour Supporting Exeter’s Business and Recovery Your Labour led Council is supporting business and protecting jobs in Exeter, securing our local…
We looked at what we delivered last year as well as planning ahead Looking back over the last year there is one obvious all consuming factor. The Covid-19…
Food waste and glass collection service The Labour led Exeter City Council is preparing to deliver on its commitment to provide…
City Council Allotments proving ever more popular 23 Mar 2021 This Labour led City Council continues its commitment to allotments. An impressive 1,485 allotments are…
Exeter’s Game Changing Recycling Gem One of the great success stories of the Labour led City Council in recent times…
Exeter produces the 7th lowest waste in the country Updated story (21/04/21) based on 2019/20 DEFRA statistics. The amount of waste per person that…
Planting Exeter City Trees (in their thousands) 22 Mar 2021 In 2020 the it was calculated that the Labour led Exeter City Council had planted…
Vote safely, vote from home, vote Labour. 21 Mar 2021 Postal Votes are available for anyone registered to vote. It means that: Its delivered direct…